Best Prog ever? The contenders...
The contenders so far: Prog 2000 , which I deem to be best overall, combining a decent package of thrills with epic levels of creator, character and overall specialness . And Prog 2212 , which has 100 pages of seriously awesome thrill-density, and a high level of specialness too! Surely there's no other 100-page collection of better 2000ADness than these? But what if bigger isn't better? What then might one judge to be the single best Prog of all time? As mentioned way back at the beginning of the Blog, it might just be "whatever your first Prog was"... For me, that's the unassumingly numbered Prog 439 , which still gives me the chills to look at, with its achingly grown-up sci-fi feels. The actual strips inside aren't bad, either. Nobody's favourite Nemesis or Robohunter story, but still top tier of both; it has one of those Dredds where he's unambiguously the bad guy, with Carlos art to boot, there's an OK Future Shock, and, top thrill for me, ...